Hello World

We’ve been hard at work getting things off the ground, but we’re very excited to have you along for the journey.

By Michael Gutensohn

Volumetrics logo floating above a wooden table, with a coffee shop scene
blurred in the background

Michael and Laurent here. Thanks for subscribing to our newsletter!

We’ve been hard at work getting things off the ground, but we’re very excited to have you along for the journey. In the past few weeks we’ve officially formed a company, created our landing page, and opened up our GitHub repos for all to see.

Product update

When it comes to product, we’re still mostly at the stage of discovery. Before embarking on the building journey, we want to make sure we are solving real problems that people have. A good exercise was to list our assumptions, and figure out how to (in)validate them.

From there, the next step is to have discovery chats with current web XR developers, and start diving onto some of these assumptions.

Brand update

Building a brand can be described as reflecting the people who will use your product. What do they like, what do they need, and what is their design sensibilities. We don’t know many of those things, but we can make some guesses:

We think that the people who will like Volumetrics want to celebrate and augment the real world. They don’t want to escape it, and live in a neon metaverse. They might prefer natural light, natural materials, and a certain calmness from their technology.

We will have more to show in the next newsletter 😊

Introducing MR.js 0.0.1

MR.js is a spatial UI library designed to help developers get started building for the spatial web. Its repo is open and available to the public. It’s still in Alpha tho!

Thanks again for tuning in. We hope to share more exciting news in the coming weeks!

Michael and Laurent